
IIOM has members in countries throughout the world and actively encourages individuals from any country to join the institute.

When there is a critical mass in a particular country IIOM International will meet with interested parties and help them along the journey to forming an IIOM Chapter.  To visit the IIOM International Website click here.

IIOM International have developed a step by step Chapter start-up process and delegation agreement that will help the local team put in place the necessary governance and establish the responsibilities for an IIOM Chapter.

Once formed each National Chapter will organise its own local meetings, usually a minimum of 3 per year.
Meetings are free for Corporate Members to attend and these corporate members are encouraged to sponsor meetings to promote their companies’ capability to the membership. A small meeting attendance charge may be applicable for indivudual members to attend the meetings, these will be determined by the IIOM Chapter. The meetings are organised by local Secretariat teams who are contracted to support the local chapter.
Guests and media contacts are encouraged to attend member meetings to help promote IIOM International and the chapter. Potential New members are encouraged to participate in a meeting before considering joining the local chapter.
Meeting minutes are made available post meeting and the presentations are stored locally on the IIOM Chapter website and available for future reference for current members.